Mission & Vision

The Flagship of Howard University
In accordance with the mission of Howard University, the College of Arts and Sciences provides its students with an undergraduate education grounded in the quest for intellectual freedom, social justice, artistic expression and pursuit of knowledge.
Ultimately, the programs of the College seek to encourage the development of critical and creative thinking in scholarly modes.
Solutions to human, scientific and social problems are achievable through the liberal, natural, and social sciences. The rich variety of programs offered by our divisions of the College reflects the diversity of society-at-large.
With diverse curricula and degree programs, emphasis on synthesis of knowledge/learning and a sense of responsibility to the global community, the College of Arts and Sciences provides a haven and source of nurture to culturally diverse students of all academic pursuits.
In addition to providing instruction in core courses to all undergraduate students at the University, the College addresses serious issues in society, especially those confronting people of African descent. This College fulfills its mission by:
- Improving the quality of teaching, research and service by the vigorous recruitment, support and retention of the best students, faculty and staff;
- Strengthening its efforts to create and synthesize knowledge for the betterment of humankind;
- Continuing to improve the quality of its programs that prepare students for purposeful lives, responsible citizenship, and leadership demands in a rapidly changing world;
- Nurturing mutually beneficial relationships and building new ones with the community, governmental agencies, alumni/ae, as well as the public and private sectors; and
- Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative delivery of services that support the College's mission.