Writing Center

Aspire to Write with Depth, Clarity & Precision
Schedule An AppointmentThe Writing Center offers you one-on-one sessions, both in-person and online, with trained graduate and undergraduate tutors. Tutors address a variety of academic writing issues, including...
- interpreting writing assignments;
- brainstorming and generating ideas;
- organizing an essay or paper (thesis statements, topic sentences, paragraphs, etc.);
- navigating the research process (selecting, using, and citing sources);
- proofreading techniques;
- identifying and addressing recurrent issues in grammar, usage, and mechanics;
...and much more! Schedule an appointment and visit us today!
Helpful Contacts
Dr. Khalila Brown
Interim Director
Alain Locke Hall
2441 Sixth Street NW, Room 100
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-4100
Email: coaswritingcenter@gmail.com