Regardless of academic major, all COAS students are required to complete a set of general education and divisional requirements in the Divisions of Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Requirements may vary by department; therefore, students are urged to carefully review them for their specific major. Refer to your academic advisor for details.
Current Students
We understand that navigating the educational system can sometimes be challenging. Here, we have identified commonly used resources for easy access.
Helpful Contacts
COAS Office of Student Affairs
Alain Locke Hall
2441 Sixth Street, NW Suite 110
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-5680

General Education and Divisional Requirements
Information for Current Students
Academic Advising
The purpose of academic advising is to provide students with opportunities to meet individually with faculty and professional advising staff who support the development of their academic success. Through intentional encounters, valuable information is shared, and relationships are developed that ultimately help shape students’ career trajectories.
Students in the College are encouraged to schedule a minimum of two advising sessions each semester. Advising is offered through academic departments and the Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS).
COAS Student Council
Our students actively engage university and college leadership through their coordination, collaboration, and participation in activities relative to their concerns. Please visit the Student Council website for details.
Professional Development Opportunities
The College provides options for students to gain experience that supplements or enhances their course work, such as conducting research, and deve
information regarding such professional development opportunities are identified by working closely with faculty members.
A primary goal of the College’s leadership is for each student to enroll in at least one internship program prior to graduating. Many internships are coordinated through academic departments. However, the University also utilizes Handshake as the primary recruiting tool for employers to post internships and employment positions. Please visit the Office of Career Services website for details and complete your Handshake profile as soon as possible.
Resolving Issues
Our students are generally able to resolve academic grievances by working directly with their professors. However, there are occasions when it is necessary to utilize the Student Academic Grievance Procedure for seeking redress. Students who elect this direction are advised to follow the procedures specifically as outlined.
COAS Student Affairs
The Student Affairs unit in the COAS Office of the Dean stands ready to assist and support our students in academic matters (advising, co-curricular and extracurricular activities). We work closely with the Office of Undergraduate Studies and department faculty to provide our students with a robust advising system to enhance their academic and pre-professional profiles. Additionally, we work collaboratively with all offices and departments throughout the University, to help ensure that our students’ needs are addressed.
You are cordially welcomed to visit/contact our office for assistance with matters relative to your success, or just to have a conversation about your academic interests and professional goals.
Student Conduct
Students in the College of Arts and Sciences are encouraged to take pride in their intellectual growth. They are expected to commit to producing original work on papers, research, class projects, exams, and quizzes, without unauthorized assistance, and fully adhere to the University’s academic integrity policies.
Each student is individually accountable for learning and respecting the University’s rules and regulations stipulated in The Student Code of Conduct, published annually in the Student Handbook (The H-Book).
Study Abroad
As early as the freshman year, the College of Arts and Sciences impresses upon students the well-documented benefits of participating in study abroad experiences, including: broadening one’s sense of self and how they can contribute as world citizens; gaining broader perspective and insight about distinct similarities and differences of cultures other than one’s own; and enhancing competitiveness as applicants in the job market and for graduate school.
The College provides unique opportunities for our students to participate in study and service-learning through faculty led international programs. Examples of such options include travel to Colombia, Egypt, South Africa, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Tanzania, Italy, and Oaxaca.
One central mission for COAS is to ensure that each undergraduate student is presented with opportunities and support to study abroad while matriculating. To that end, Passport Initiatives were implemented to enable our freshmen to obtain passports with no direct cost to them. During Passport Drives representatives from the Department of State not only discuss intricacies of international travel, but also apprise participants of vast travel resources available to United States’ citizens while abroad.
Additionally, the COAS Office of Student Affairs hosts Study Abroad Information Sessions each semester to assist students with travel planning. We also work collaboratively with the Ralph Bunche Center to support their semester-long international education programs. Learn more about Study Abroad Opportunities.