Meet The Graduates
Alain LeRoy Locke
American writer, philosopher, and educator.
Allyson Smith
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Major: Political Science/ Minor: Sociology
Ms. Smith is an activist, poet, and all-around creative. She is heavily involved with politics and firmly believes in youth political participation. She says no to the status quo and is using her voice as a stepping stone to an equal society that reflects collective interests. She is making it her mission to provide a sense of representation to her younger peers through service with local and national organizations and publications, such as the Memphis Music Initiative, The Commercial Appeal, Teen Vogue, The Guardian, Buzzfeed News, etc. Through her work, she has broken down existing boundaries in her community by talking to local politicians and educators. Her future is free of limitations and societal normality.
What are your plans after graduation?
Ms. Smith plans to continue being an advocate and hopefully find a job that amplifies her degree.
Can you give us one quote that would sum up your Bison experience!
“Still, I rise.” - Maya Angelou

Rolyshaye Thomas
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Major/ Minor: Psychology Major/Biology and Chemistry Double Minor
Ms. Thomas earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with concentrations in Chemistry and Biology. Before coming to Howard, her family was homeless for three years in high school. She always dreamed about becoming a doctor, but after her grades, she decided it was time for a new plan. Scoring in the 95th percentile, this was her golden ticket to Howard. Ms. Thomas got accepted into the university with zero out-of-pocket costs and multiple institutional scholarships. She worked to earn my degree in STEM to continue her dream of becoming a doctor, she messed up along the way, but there was so much beauty in every trial and tribulation. Developing her passions in college to drawing, cooking, and doing makeup, Ms. Thomas became more social through 10+ campus organizations. She states,” My entire life shifted the day I gained acceptance into Howard.” Getting accepted into Howard has helped her blossom into an intelligent young lady, and now, she knows anything is possible.
What are your plans after graduation?
Following graduation, she plans to take a gap year to focus on developing her skills to enter medical school. She aspires to attend medical school at Morehouse School of Medicine, Emory School of Medicine, or The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Ms. Thomas is highly interested in Dermatology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Psychiatry.
Can you give us one quote that would sum up your Bison experience!
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”