COAS Student Spotlight

Emma Charles
Emma Charles is a sophomore studying physics with a minor in Computer Science from Kingston, Jamaica. Ms. Charles is the Captain of Tropical Riddimz at Howard University, known to be the only Caribbean dance troupe on Howards Campus. She is also the Chair of the Bunche Brigade Information Committee and a member of the Caribbean Students Association. Emma believes that advising has been one of the most valuable resources provided by Howard University. Through Howards' guidance and attention to students, Emma navigated her first year of college and maintained a 3.9 Cumulative while being involved in different organizations and leadership roles. The College of Arts and Sciences has provided Emma with the tools to grow academically and as a leader, which is displayed through making the Dean's List.
Throughout the years, Ms. Charles is confident that the college has provided a support system for all students, including herself. Within the sustainable environment to become a successful black woman, Howard encourages Emma to participate in other areas to provide an all-rounded education experience. Due to her research advisor and mentor, Dr. Kim Michelle Lewis, Emma has applied and successfully attended an REU program at Columbia University in the summer of 2022.
After her undergraduate years, Emma's goal is to graduate from Howard University with the highest honor. Emma is looking to pursue graduate studies leading to a Ph.D. in Physics, an area she wishes to become an expert in, combining her knowledge with computer science. In the future, she hopes to explore the researc