The College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University has a wholehearted commitment to the discovery of new knowledge and the transformation of our scholars into global leaders. That is why we conduct research in various centers, institutes, and core facilities throughout our campus. Each one of these entities provide the needed space and support to ensure the best quality research, safety, and scholarship.
Independent Research
An important component to academic growth is the development of intellectual curiosity. During this process students are active learners who seek answers, rather than simply gather information. These experiences are generally for credit and are developed with and supervised by faculty.
Helpful Contacts
Howard University Research Month
Interdisciplinary Research Building
2201 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-6000
Office of Undergraduate Studies
The Carnegie Building, 2nd Floor
2395 Sixth St. NW
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-4029