Flagship Ambassador Program
What is the Flagship Ambassador Program?
The Flagship Ambassador Program is designed to holistically develop and enhance the leadership skills of students who are dedicated to promoting The Flagship of Howard University: The College of Arts and Sciences (The COAS)
The Flagship Ambassador Program builds impactful future leaders through mentorship, experiential learning opportunities, and strategic civic engagement. As a Flagship Student Ambassador, you are the face of The College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University.

Interested in Becoming a Flagship Ambassador?
Flagship Ambassador Program Application
Want to be a Flagship Ambassador?
Exciting news! The time has come to choose the next cohort for the COAS Flagship Ambassador Program, and we are thrilled to announce that applications are now live. Please use the link below to access the application:
Flagship Ambassador Application
We eagerly anticipate reviewing your application, so make sure to submit it by the deadline on February 23, 2024, at 5:00 pm. Best of luck with your application process!
Meet the Teams!
Our Ambassador Program counts 40 awardees. While they work as a unit, they are also assigned to 8 different teams. These teams are named after prominent figures of Howard U. A captain leads each team. Click the links below to meet each team!
2024-2025 Flagship Ambassador Teams
2024-2025 Flagship Ambassadors!
2024-2025 Flagship Ambassador Boards
Meet Team Brown!
Beth Brown studied astrophysics at Howard University, undertaking two internships at NASA during her undergraduate years. She went on to graduate school at the University of Michigan, where she became the first black woman to get a doctorate in astronomy from the institution. She was then hired as an astrophysicist at NASA, where she collected data on elliptical galaxies. She was passionate about helping minorities to succeed in physics.
Meet Team Clark!
Psychologist and researcher, Kenneth Clark and his wife, Mamie Clark, studied psychology in the 1930s at Howard University and were very involved in the civil rights movement. Together, the Clarks went on to design and conduct a series of experiments commonly known as “the doll test” to study the psychological effects of racial segregation on African-American school children. Their research was cited in arguments during Brown v. the Board of Education, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled segregation unconstitutional and sparked a shift historic toward integration.
Meet Team Damas!
Léon-Gontran Damas was a French poet and politician. He was one of the founders of the Négritude movement during the 1930 along Damas Aimé Césaire and Senghor. Damas explored the internalized racism and oppression that occurred within the diaspora. In the 1970’s Damas moved to D.C. He taught at Howard University and served until his passing as acting director of the African Studies program.
Meet team Douglass!
Frederick Douglass was a Social pioneer revolutionist, and honorary degree recipient of Howard University, he continues to be celebrated at Howard University where he created policy as a member of the board of trustees from 1871 until his death in 1895. His legacy is forever a part of Howard.
Meet Team Harris!
Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris was first introduced to her love for politics while studying at Howard University where she earned her undergraduate degree. In 2003, Sen. Harris became the District Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco. A few years later Kamala was elected as the first African-American and first woman to serve as California's Attorney General. In the United States, Harris is the first Black woman and Asian-American to run for vice president on a major party ticket. In 2021, she took office as vice president of the United States.
Meet Team Marshall!
Thurgood Marshall applied to Howard University Law School after being rejected on the grounds of his race by the University of Maryland Law School. This choice shaped his professional life, propelling him to advocate for equal rights, particularly in relation to race. He took on difficult cases to end state-sponsored discrimination like Brown v. Board of Education. This landmark case ended the legal basis for segregation in the U.S. In 1965, Marshall was appointed U.S. solicitor general by President Lyndon B. Johnson. In 1967, he became the first African-American to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Meet Team Morrison!
Professor Toni Morrison earned a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in classics from Howard University in 1953. She spent seven years teaching English at Howard after receiving her master's degree. Morrison was willing to examine issues of race, love, and even the paranormal. Morrison has received countless accolades for her activism and writing, including the Nobel Prize in Literature, a Pulitzer Prize, an American Book Award, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom presented by President Barack Obama.
Meet Team Ture!
Kwame Ture aka Stokely Carmichael was a civil rights activist, writer, and orator. During his freshman year as a philosophy major at Howard University he participated in his first Freedom Ride. In 1966, Ture gave a speech where he first spoke the words “Black Power,” calling for cultural, political, and economic self determination for Black people around the world. He joined the Black Panther Party and journeyed around the world to visit with revolutionary leaders. Ture helped to redefine African American identity--as well as Black identity around the globe--with his revolutionary proclamation that Black is beautiful.